
The Eastern Connecticut Health Insurance Program (ECHIP-CT) is Connecticut’s first employee health insurance collaborative. The collaborative enables its members to more effectively control rising employee health insurance premiums by maximizing resources. 

ECHIP-CT was established in 2011 in response to legislation passed in 2010 under Public Act 10-174. This public act allows municipalities and school districts to join together for the purpose of purchasing employee health insurance benefits. ECHIP-CT officially launched on July 1, 2012, and has been providing employee health benefits for the past 5 years. Over this time, members have experienced health insurance renewals rates averaging 6.5%; 50% less than the current medical renewal rate trend. 

Current ECHIP-CT members include the municipalities and Boards of Education in Coventry, Plainfield, Putnam and Tolland, and the non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, EASTCONN. The collaborative represents 1,523 employees with a membership of approximately 4,500.

ECHIP-CT continually seeks new ways to realize savings for its members and provide additional coverage to the individuals and families it serves. In July 2014, ECHIP-CT added dental benefits.  In July 2018, ECHIP-CT added an Employee Assistance Program through ESI Employee Assistance Group.  

The ESI Employee Assistance Program provides all eligible employees and their dependents access to tools through a dedicated website at www.THEEAP.com.    ESI offers two additional platforms to support ECHIP-CT; a First Responders Platform and an Educators Platform.  Both platforms are tailored to provide information more specific to ECHIP's Educators and First Responders needs.  

Interested in learning more about ECHIP-CT? Contact Larisa Carr at 860-455-1546 or lcarr@echipct.org.